5 Qualities You Can Learn to Become a Great Leader

learn to become a great leader

Of course, everyone wants to be a great leader or manager for their team, but what does that even mean? In order to truly stand out from the crowd, fantastic managers must possess particular leadership skills– skills that enable them to propel their careers and, with it, their team’s potential. As you know by now, so much of what we do at Leadology works to unlock these special qualities in workplace leaders.

An important indicator of great management can often be traced back to attrition in a particular organization. A 2022 study from the MIT Sloan School of Management shows us that toxic corporate culture is by far the strongest predictor of industry-adjusted attrition and is 10 times more important than compensation in predicting turnover. Common elements that contribute to toxic cultures include a failure to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion; workers feeling disrespected; and even unethical behavior.

At the end of the day, great managers are responsible for setting the tone for an inclusive, respectful, and communicative atmosphere.

In turn, this precedent can encourage healthy work environments, boost employee satisfaction, and reduce turnover rates across the board.

The concept of a “great leader” or even an “ideal manager” may seem a bit vague, but the qualities they possess and leverage in a work environment are attainable with intention and practice.

Today, we’re breaking down just a few of these traits:

  1. Treats every employee with respect

    This one is a no-brainer– any good manager will show respect to every single employee without condition. By leading with this behavior, workplace leaders will encourage mutual respect across their team, ultimately preventing conflict and interpersonal issues. In addition, a universally respectful work environment will improve lines of communication and collaboration between employees, increasing team efficiency and productivity.

  2. Encourages employee autonomy

    The last thing someone wants is to be micromanaged, which is why prioritizing employee autonomy is integral to being a great manager. Micromanagement is rooted in the strong desire for managers to control aspects of their team’s work to an extreme degree, which usually only results in low employee morale, high staff turnover, and a decrease in productivity.

  3. Offers meaningful recognition and feedback

    You know how we value recognition in the workplace… so, of course, it’s a prominent aspect of great management! In our experience, it’s incredibly important that employees can recall the last time they were meaningfully recognized at work and not just criticized. Don’t get us wrong, redirective feedback is also valuable; but consistent and fulfilling recognition has the power to rejuvenate your employee’s drive at work and improve working relationships throughout your team.

  4. Cultivates space to ask for help 

    In the event that an employee feels stuck or lost at work, it’s vital that they have the opportunity and resources to be able to reach out with their concerns. With that said, a great manager creates space for these conversations, checks in on their employees, and actively listens when they must field concerns. Without this quality, employees may feel unseen, unheard, and unvalued at work.

  5. Models healthy habits

    Lastly, a great manager will openly prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional health above work, forging a work atmosphere where employees feel comfortable to do the same. As our beloved Brené Brown puts it, “in a society that says, ‘put yourself last,’ self-love and self acceptance are almost revolutionary.” Engaging in self-care and healthy work boundaries is absolutely necessary, especially in high-stress work environments. Being able to cultivate a work culture around it is absolutely key to the success of any team.

learn to become a great leader

Developing the skills to be a great manager takes time, but when backed with the right intentions, workplace leaders can quickly learn, practice, and hone them for the success of their careers and their teams. That’s why we’re so thrilled to be announcing our next round of Activate, our premier leadership program that works to equip managers with the skills they need to impact their teams in meaningful ways.

Ready to realize your full potential as a manager? Schedule a call with us to learn more about the insight you could gain with Activate on your journey to becoming a great leader for your team.


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