Who Do You Idolize as a Leader?


At the beginning of Activate we ask each member to share who they idolize most as a leader. 

Here are some answers we've received in the past: Michelle Obama, Nelson Mandela, Sara Blakey, and Andrew Cuomo. 

Now it's your turn: Who do you idolize as a leader and why? Write us back and let us know. We love hearing from you! 

Leadership learning and development takeaways

There are a lot of different leadership styles and skills that can be found around the world. What works for Michelle Obama might not work for Sara Blakely, and no matter how many books you read, Ted Talks you listen to, or great leaders you study, there's no one size fits all blanket leadership solution for maximizing potential. Why? Because nobody else in the world leads like you do. While looking at experienced leaders can be a great reference point in understanding what qualities we admire most, taking action and tapping into your own potential is when you go from studying great leaders....to becoming one.

Become the leader you always wanted to be

By now you know that Activate is, in fact, the most effective program if you want to find how you can have the most impact in your career, fast. These are just some of the leadership level-ups you might encounter (as shared by our previous Activate members!): 

  • “Difficult conversations - which used to be my absolute enemy - have become EASY (gasp). They’re not difficult anymore! Activate has opened up doors to honest, candid, and fruitful conversations with my direct reports.”

  • “My 1:1s have been so insightful. Now that I have questions to ask my team, I don't feel pressure to fill the void or painfully pull answers from them to fill the time.”

  • “I've received affirmation that I'm in the field that truly suits me (phew). Having the name and language to describe what I'm best at is already helping me dial up my contributions and helping me get more done.”

  • “One of the key things that changed was understanding the difference between C&C and R&R. I no longer compliment and criticize, instead I reinforce and redirect. So simple, yet so impactful.”

  • “I quickly learned that the human component is the hardest part of the job. Everyone is different and has different needs. Through Activate, I've gained so much insight, motivation, and ideas to connect authentically with my team. This has been a process of discovery for me and those I work with in the best way possible.”


With me as your personal leadership coach, you'll get to explore all aspects of development, from small tweaks to massive transformations. So the next time someone asks: Who do you idolize as a leader? The first name that comes to mind….will be yours. 

Get started with a call  to see if Activate is a fit for your goals - it's a perfectly free call (no strings attached) and the first step in tapping into your leadership potential. 

-- Carrie & Team Leadology 


Want to be Exceptional? Develop Resilience


PSA: Don’t Climb a Tree If You’re a Fish