I Failed vs. I’m a Failure

I Failed vs. I’m a Failure

Hi everyone, 

Sometimes we struggle. Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we realize we need to do better. That is a part of life. And yet, we always have a choice about how we respond. 

When you embrace a growth mindset, you know you can always improve and ask yourself questions to further that process. 

Questions like: What are my options? How can I move forward? What am I aiming for now, and how can I make it better than it was before?

The Language of Leadership 

“I never lose. I either win or learn.”

-Nelson Mandela

One of the biggest myths about embracing a growth mindset is that it requires focusing only on positivity and therefore isn’t rooted in reality.

But embracing a growth mindset actually means acknowledging the reality of the situation but not letting the negative aspects prevent you from creating a plan of action. 

In other words? Not getting fixed in the problem and obsessing over perfection instead of progress. 

How do we continually embrace a growth mindset?

Curiosity. The simple act of asking a question will initiate that process in our heads. We need to be relentlessly curious. 

And it’s not about being overwhelmingly positive or negative. The point is to adopt an attitude that prioritizes questions over answers, challenges the status quo, and analyzes past issues in a productive way that provides ideas on improvement. This might seem overwhelming, but shifting to a growth mindset begins simply. 

Ask yourself: What’s the one smallest step I can take to create change with one issue I’m having?

The Weekly Flourish 

Article (5 Minutes)

5 Tips Overfunctioners and Underfunctioners Can Each Use to Process Stressful Situations 

I recently shared my five tips for how to overcome overfunctioning and underfunctioning patterning with Well + Good. They include advice on how to notice your triggers, reset your expectations, and what to do when you feel overwhelmed with allllllll the things. 

As you’ll see from the article, one of the key ways to overcome fixed patterns of behavior is to embrace a growth mindset in order to get curious about your response.The simple act of asking a question about how and why you respond the way you do to crisis is the first step in taking a new approach to finding a more optimal way to react during times of stress. 


Greatness Takes Guidance 

Coffee with Carrie

We’re so excited to announce that the next Coffee with Carrie will center on this important skill of curiosity. Specifically, we’ll touch on how curiosity impacts mindset, helps with difficult conversations, and will be an important tool in navigating our new normal. You can sign up for our next session on June 25 at 1:00 p.m. here. 

Please feel free to submit any questions you might have prior to the session so we can be sure to get them answered for you! As always, I love hearing from you, and you can shoot me an e-mail on: carrie@getleadology.com

Extra Support Right Now

Finally, if your managers need more ideas about keeping teams engaged during this time, we’ve developed a new series called the 5Cs for Re-Energizing Your Team. This toolkit is specifically designed to address the current virtual climate and will help you and your team:

  • Learn timely, science-backed tactics to increase employee happiness and motivation.

  • Create a crisis communication strategy so you’re able to hear, believe, trust, and act with collaborative ease, excellence, and efficiency.

  • Commit to plan as we move from anxiety to adjustment.

  • Use hope theory and positive psychology to counter the rollercoaster of emotions you and your team might be experiencing right now.

Schedule some time to learn more here!

Speak soon and stay curious, 

— Carrie and Team Leadology 


Today’s Happiness Broadcast


Learning, Unlearning, and Compassion Through Strife