Why is Unplugging From Work so Damn Hard?

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ll know we recently discussed burnout and all of the ways it can manifest itself, how to avoid it, what to do if you’re suffering from it, and how it can affect teams at work. So naturally, our next move is to talk about why unplugging from work is so damn hard and how to do it!

If unplugging feels hard for you, you’re not alone. While we often recognize the importance of resting, it can be quite challenging to truly unwind, especially in the fast-paced work environments we find ourselves in.

In this article, Team Leadology is exploring exactly why that is and strategies we can use to put ourselves into a relaxed mindset.

Why Can’t I Relax?

Ten Percent Happier has an article titled "Why Can't I Relax”, which explains the barriers we face in finding inner calm and disconnecting from work during our time away, and in it they have a very relatable quote about the struggles of unplugging from work:

"Do you ever notice that when you have time to relax, you can’t help but squander it in ways that are anything but regenerative? All too often, the little time we have to ourselves leaves us far from feeling rested and restored. In fact, having downtime can lead to even more anxiety.”

Whether it's mindlessly scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV shows for hours on end, or overworking on personal projects, these activities can leave us feeling drained, unfulfilled, and even more anxious. 

The good news is that there are strategies we can employ to tap into a relaxed frame of mind. Below are a few ideas to get you started on a path to prioritizing rest. 

Strategies for Unplugging From Work

  1. Remember, it’s ok if rest is challenging!

    The constant stream of deadlines and a perpetuating sense of urgency in modern work environments can make it difficult to suddenly “switch off.” That’s ok! Allow your nervous system time to adapt to a slower pace and don’t push aside feelings of guilt or unease that might come up when attempting to relax.

    Instead, get curious about how rest makes you feel. You might take time to reflect on questions like: What does the idea of rest bring up for you? Do you feel any specific sensations in your body when you think about unplugging from work?

  2. Start to reframe rest as essential 

    In our society, there can be an inherited perception that rest is associated with laziness. However, research shows that not taking time to rest is actually detrimental to productivity.

    Don’t believe us? Check out this HBR article which says the best thing you can do for productivity is rest. By shifting our perspective and viewing rest as a means to perform at our best, we can begin to redefine our relationship with unplugging, recognizing it as a necessary practice rather than just a luxury.

  3. Stop and savor 

    Vacation not possible at the moment? That’s OK! Try to find ways where you can add moments of relaxation to your daily life. We know, easier said than done. But pausing to stop and savor the small, enjoyable moments throughout your day (think: a warm cup of coffee, a short walk, a gratitude journal) can help us realize that unplugging doesn't have to be confined to just vacation. It can be found in the simplest of experiences if we choose to embrace them. 

Are You Ready to Give Your Managers the Gift of Unplugging From Work?

When managers are able to properly unplug from work, it can have positive impacts at the office, too: maximized productivity, and a sense of calm for them and among their teams. When you focus on continuous learning and investing in your managers as leaders, you help keep them and their teams moving forward.

Our group coaching program Activate is designed specifically for these managers to help them learn techniques to prioritize time, attention, and energy, while delegating in ways to help develop their teams. 

The first step is to book a free strategy call here to learn more about how Activate can support your work-life balance. 


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