Improve your manager-employee conversations with this hack

At Team Leadology, we know firsthand just how tempting it can be to cancel those touch points with your team members. We know you think canceling will give some time back to both you AND your employees… but in reality, the cost of postponing 1-on-1s is so much more than the benefit of receiving an extra 30 or so minutes it frees up on your calendar!

Stop Dreading the 1-on-1 Conversations

Team Leadology’s Carrie Skowronski knows exactly what it’s like, because she was a new manager struggling to figure everything out too. You know you need to connect with your employees, but these regular meetings don’t usually go the way they should. Instead, it’s one of two ways:

1. You go through the motions, reviewing to-do lists, asking the same old questions, not feeling particularly connected or inspired.


2. You are tempted to cancel because you don’t have time to create another agenda and it’s business as usual, so why not just use that time to crush your to-do list.

Use This Hack for New Managers to Improve your Conversations with Employees

Carrie has developed a unique framework that Leadology’s clients use and consistently praise for its effectiveness and ease.

Called the 2+2 Framework, it will help you:

  • Listen and learn about what matters to your team 

  • Build a culture of accountability and empowerment

  • Address issues before they become large problems

  • Inspire active engagement and connection to the organization

The 2+2 Conversation Method for Managers

The 2+2 conversation method is a conversation framework that will streamline your 1-on-1s. This means you will put your employees in the driver’s seat to own this conversation and their own workload. And the real value is that you shift from weekly agenda-maker and task-manager into a leader who maximizes the potential of their team and achieves strategic business outcomes.

Here’s how it works:

Each week, make sure your employees come to your 1-on-1 meetings prepared to discuss:

  • 2 things that are going well

  • 2 things that could be better

Put Your Employees in the Driver's Seat of their Career

The 2+2 conversation puts your employees in the driver's seat of their own development, because it’s their career not yours! The simple framework focuses on celebrating success,

preparing for future achievement and planning for growth opportunities.

To hold them accountable, have them fill out a worksheet prior to coming to the weekly meeting (you can find a worksheet in this resource!)

Improve Your Manager-Employee Conversations

We’re confident if you use the 2+2 Framework, you will start to experience the ripple effects - feedback conversations that aren’t awkward, quickly recovering from mistakes, increased trust, and more.

At Leadology, we have been using this exact method in 1000s of conversations across multiple companies— both large and small, just like yours— and have been able to increase the connection between managers and their team without adding anything else to their already full plates... AND statistics show companies with engaged employees have 59% more growth in revenue per employee as a result.

Will you start using the 2+2 Framework? You’re invited to a chat to talk about how it’s going. Hop on our calendar here.

Here’s to Successful Conversations,

— Carrie and Team Leadology


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